The Toy Story franchise, once again dominated the silver screen this Summer with their third installment, Toy Story 3. Created to be viewed in 3D it was yet another triumph for Pixar, who have become synonymous amongst children as the ultimate cartoon animators!
The heartening storyline of this latest pixar animated film, introduced more lovable...and not so lovable characters to the masses. One of the most popular of the new animated movies characters was Lotso Huggin' Bear, who, although a flawed character in the film, has warmed the hearts of children all over the world - and now they're clamouring to get their hands on their very own Lotso!
3 In 1 Crib
New for Christmas 2010, the Lotso Huggin Bear, is an amazing replica of the leader of the Daycentre Leader; it looks just like the real thing, but offers all the fuzzy love Lotso enjoyed before he was lost by his owner!
Featuring arms and legs that you can pose and velcro hands, which makes him easy for hugging, just like you see when Lotso's happy in the movie!
Lotso Huggin Bear's eyes close when he is laid down onto his back and he also comes with really cute sound effects; tickle Lotso's foot to make him laugh and squeeze his hands to hear 'toy' and 'come alive' phrases.
Lotso will even 'respond' to your voice, making him an extremely interactive to that's sure to capture the imaginations of Toy Story 3 fans!
Destined to be the most in-demand toy from the latest pixar animated film, make sure you get your Lotso Huggin Bear ahead of the crowds.